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Signs and Symptoms

Rapid spreadings inflammation of skin, with throbbing or prickly or stabbing pain, lassitude, horripilation, deep pink coloured patches with itching and waxy to touch are the general sign and symptoms of Visarpa.


Simple Preparations

l. Decoction of equal part of Madanaphala (emetic nut), root of Yaṣṭimadhu (glycyrrhiza), bark of Nimba (neem) root of Indravāruṇī (colocynth)-14 to 28 ml. to be taken for Vamana (emesis).

2. Decoction of equal part of leaf of Paṭola (a variety of small cucumber-snake gourd), bark of Nimba (neem), wood of Rakra Candana (red sandal), roots of Mustaka (motha) and Mūrvā, rhizome of Kaṭukī, whole plants of Pātāla Garuḍī and Yavāsā (camel's thorn), stem of Guḍūcī-14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Amṛtādi Kvātha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

2. Bhūnimbādi Kvātha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken thrice a day.

3. Gandhaka Rasāyana: 120 to 250 mg. to be taken with 4 to 6 g. honey twice a day.

4. Navakārṣika Guggulu: 2 to 4 pills to be taken with warm water twice a day

5. Tikta Gṛuta: 12 to 24 g. to be taken with warm water twice a day.

External Applications

1. Ghee for Manda Pariṣeka (fomentation).

2. Pariṣeka (fomentation) with root of Yaṣṭimadhu (glycyrrhiza) Siddha Jala.

3. Pariṣeka with Daśamūla Siddha Kvātha or Daśamūla Siddha Gomūtra or Daśamūla Siddha Taila.

4. Pariṣeka with decoction of root of Kuṣṭha (koot), fruit of Śatapuṣpā (fennel), wood of Devadāru (deodar), and roots of Mustaka (motha) and Sahacara.

5. Pariṣeka or lepa of Mahātikta Ghṛta.

6. Hot Lepa of bark of Śigru (horse radish).

7. Lepa of Śatdhauta Ghṛta.

8. Lepa of powdered Gairka (ochre) in Ghṛta.

9. Lepa of equal part of barks of Pañca Valkala in water.

10. Lepa (plaster) of equal part of wood of Padmaka (wild cherry) Rakta Candana (red sandal), roots of Uśīra (khas) and Mañjiṣṭhā (madder), Punḍarīka, Nīlotpala (blue lotus petal) in water.

11. Lepa (plaster) of equal part of root of Kuṣṭha (koot) and Vansa (bamboo), fruit of Śatapuṣpā (fenuel), and Sahacara.

12. Lepa (plaster) of seed Karañja, Śuṣka Mūlaka (dried radish), fruit rind of Vibhītaka (beleric myrobalan), wood of Padmaka (wild cherry), and roots of Uṣṭra (khas) and Madhuyaṣṭi (glycyrrhiza) in water.

13. Lepa of equal part of bark of Khadira (khair), root of Mustaka (motha), bark of Vāsā (vasaka) leaf or Āragvadha (cassia), wood of Devadāru (deodar), and Kevaṭī Mustaka in water.

14. Lepa (plaster) of Daśāṅga Lepa.


Seeds of old Yava (barley), Godhūma (wheat), Ṣaṣṭi and Śāli varieties of rice, seeds of Masūra (lentil), Caṇaka (gram) and Kaṅgu (a variety of coarse grain), fruit of Kāravellaka (bitter gourd), Śirīṣa, Drākṣā. (raisin or grape fruit), fruit of Dāḍima (pomegranate), fruit rind of Āmalakī (embelic myrobalan), Butter, milk, ghee and meat soup are the useful articles of diet for the patient of Visarpa.


Amla, Lavaṇa and Kaṭu Rasa, Guru Dravya, Kulattha (dolichos bean), Tila (Sesame seed); bulb of Rasona (garlic) are harmful for the patient of Visarpa. Anger and grief; suppression of calls of nature, unnatural postures, exercise, sexual intercourse, walking, exposure to sun and day sleep should be avoided.
