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Yoni Kaṇḍū

Dryness and itching of vagina may be known as Yoni Kaṇḍū.


Single Drugs

1. Eraṇḍa Taila (castor oil)-7 to 14 ml. to be taken with 100 to 250 ml. milk twice a day.

Simple Preparations

1. Powder of equal part of Śuddha Śilājatu, Śuddha Ṭaṅkaṇa (borax), Vanśalocana (bamboo manna), root of Citraka (leadwort), Mustaka (motha), Jīvantī and Madhuyaṣṭi (glycyrrhiza), stem of Guḍūcī, woods of Padmaka (wild cherry) and Candana (white and red sandal), petal of Nīlotpala (blue lotus), Śuṇṭhī (dried ginger), Drākṣā (raisin or grape fruit), Pañca Lavaṇa-1 to 3 g. to be taken with 50 ml. water twice a day.

2. Decoction of equal part of roots of Śveta and Kṛṣṇa Sārivā (white and black variety of Indian sarsaparilla), root bark of Trivṛt (turpeth), Paṭṭikā-Lodhra, fruit of Gajapippalī (palmyra)-14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Amṛtādi Kvātha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

2. Guḍūcyādi Kvātha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

3. Mañjiṣṭhādi Kvātha: 14 to 28 ml. to be taken twice a day.

4. Candraprabhā Vaṭī: 2 to 4 Vaṭī to be taken with 50 ml. water twice a day.

5. Sārivādi Vaṭī: 2 to 4 Vaṭī to be taken with 50 ml. water twice a day.

6. Śilājatvādi Vaṭī: 1 to 2 Vaṭī to be taken with 50 ml. water twice a day.

External Applications

1. Douche the vagina with tepid decoction of Triphalā, or of Pañca-Valkala.

2. Picu (tampons) of Śatadhatua Ghṛta or Karañja Taila or Nimba Taila (neem oil) or Guḍūcyādi Taila, or Sarṣapa Taila (mustard oil) or Padmakādi Taila or Tuvaraka Taila (hydnocarpus oil) for vagina.

3. Lepa of Khadira Sāra (catachu) in milk to be applied on vagina.
