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दन्त रोग

Danta Roga

(i). खलिवर्धन

Khalivardhana (Wisdom Tooth)

In this condition an additional tooth comes up between the age of 17 and 21 years with intense pain which subsides as soon as the tooth emerges.


External Applications

Ganḍūṣa of decoction of leaf of Paṭola (a variety of small cucumber-snake gourd), bark of Nimba and Triphalā reduced to half.

(ii). कृमिदन्त

Kṛmi Danta

Regional Name

Asam. : Dāhapoke Khoyā
Beng. : Dānte Hoke
Dogr. : Kodantā
Guj. : Dānta Sarvuṅ
Hind. : Dānta Men Kīḍā Laganā
Kan. : Huluku, Hallu
Maly. : Pujhu Pallu
Mra. : Dānta Kiḍāṇe
Ori. : Dānta Pākā Kaṭibā
Tam. : Soththa ippal
Tel. : Pippi Pannu
Eng. : Caries of the teeth

On account of vitiation of Vāta a black cavity is formed in the tooth causing its decay and which leads to inflammation, discharge and looseness of the tooth and patient have acute pain in the tooth.


Gaṇḍūṣa of any of the following preparations

1. Take decoction of equal part of whole plant of Bṛhatī and Kaṇṭakārī, bark of Bhūkadamba (smaller kadam) and root of Eraṇḍa (castor), add to it Tila Taila (gingelly oil) – one fourth part, and use as Gaṇḍūṣa.

2. Solution of Yavakṣāra – 1 g. in 50 ml. water.

3. Fill cavity of the tooth with Hiṅgu (asafoetida) fried in ghee.

4. Apply Lavaṅga Taila (clove oil) on the tooth.

5. Apply Irimedādi Taila on the tooth.

(iii). दन्तहर्ष

Danta- Harṣa

Regional Name

Asam. : Dātāra Pāthāra
Beng. : Danta Harṣa
Guj. : Dāntmā Kaḍtārā
Hind. : Dānton Men Pānī Laganā
Kan. : Hallu Kossuvudū
Maly. : Pallile Pallu Tharipu
Mra. : Dānta Śivā Svāṇe
Ori. : Dāntasiḍisiḍinebā
Tam. : Parkucham
Tel. : Paṇḍlu Puliyuṭa
Eng. : Sensitive tooth

In this condition the teeth do not tolerate cold, rough and acid substances, and strong wind.


External Applications

1. Kavala (mouth wash) of Daśamūla Kvātha with Tila Taila (gingelly oil).

2. Massage gums with powdered bark of Bakula (Indian madder) and honey.

(iv). दन्तशर्करा


Hard insoluble deposit upon the teeth specially at the junction of the gum and teeth is known as Danta-Śarkarā.


Simple Preparations

1. Decoction of equal part of Saptaparṇa, root of Uśīra (khas), Rohītaka, leaf of Paṭola (a variety of small cucumber-snake gourd), roots of Mustaka (motha) and Yaṣṭimadhu (glycyrrhiza), and fruit pulp or Āragvadha (cassia) – 14 to 28 ml. to be taken thrice a day.

Compound Preparations

1. Khadirādi Vaṭī: 1 to 2 Vaṭī for sucking.

External Applications

1. Kavala of decoction of wood of Khadira (khair), Triphalā, barks of Arjuna (arjun) and Viṭakhadira (cassia).

2. Massage teeth with powdered Śuddha Lākṣā (purified lac) many times a day.


Kaṭu and Tikta Dravya; seeds of Kaṅgu (Italian millet), Śyāmā (a variety of millet), Tṛṇa Dhānya (millets of different types), Yava (barley), Mudga (phaseolus bean), Kulattha (dolichos bean), and Methikā (fenugreek seed); ghee; root of Śatāvarī (wild asparagus), leaf and fruit of Paṭola (a variety of small cucumber-snake gourd), Mūlaka (radish), fruit of Kāravellaka (bitter gourd), leaf of Tāmbūla (betel) are the useful articles of diet for the diseases of oral cavity (Mukha-Roga).


Rūkṣa Anna; Amla, Guru and Abhiṣyaṇdi Dravya, Māṣa (black phaseolus bean), curd, milk and Guḍa (jaggery) are harmful for the patients of Mukha Roga. Brushing of teeth, chewing of hard substances, lying on the belly day sleep, fish, meat of wild animals should be avoided.
