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The demand for Āyurveda is growing globally, the scientific fraternity is attracting towards alternate systems of medicine, which are safe. Accordingly, the quest for the new therapeutic leads by exploring ancient Āyurvedic texts is increasing day by day not only from the Āyurvedic fraternity but also from other allied Scholars. It is very difficult, if not impossible to procure and refer all Āyurvedic classics to meet the above requirement since some books are in out of print. National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage (NIIMH), CCRAS, Hyderabad being actively involved in literary research, brought out various important publications.

The Institute has indigenously developed software modules for e-Books by using information technology and successfully brought out e-books on Carakasaṁhitā,Suśrutasaṁhitā, which are readable in 8 Indian Oriental languages namely Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarathi, Gurmukhi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Indo-Romanic transliteration (Diacritical) and Phonetic English. These books are in wide circulation and highly appreciated by scientific fraternity across the globe.

Keeping in view of the public demand, the institute has developed e-books on “Mādhavanidāna with Madhukośa and Ātaṅkadarpaṇa Commentaries” for the dissemination of Āyurvedic knowledge across the globe. I hope this will cater the demands of the Āyurvedic scholars, Researchers, students & practitioners.

I thankfully acknowledge Vaidya Pammi Satyanarayana Sashtri, Vijayawada, Dr. Sheshanag, Mannarashala, Alleppey, Kerala and Dr. Santosh Nair, Reader, Sanskrit-Samhita-Siddhant, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, New Delhi for providing the digital copy of Mādhavanidāna with Madhukośa and Ātaṅkadarpaṇa commentary published by Kshemaraj-Srikrishnadas Shreshthi, Mumbai, Mādhavanidāna with Madhukośa and Ātaṅkadarpaṇa commentaries (1st edition) published by Nirnaya-sagar press, Bombay, 1920, which were referred for comparison of this work.

I appreciate the efforts of my team members, who have put their efforts in bringing out this work.


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All possible efforts have been made to ensure the correctness of the contents of this e-Book.
National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage (NIIMH), Hyderabad/Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), New Delhi
Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India shall not be responsible for any inadvertent error(s) in the content.
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