The demand for Ayurveda is growing globally, the scientific fraternity attracting towards alternate systems of medicine, which are safe. In this scenario a need was felt to prepare e-books of ancient Ayurvedic classics to facilitate the user for easy way of learning.
I am happy to present the e-Book on 'Suśrutasaṁhitā' with Nibandhasaṅgraha commentary of Dalhaṇa and Nyāyacandrikā commentary of Gayadāsa along with all relevant notes. All the efforts have been made to provide grammatically correct version of mūlapāṭha in Sanskrit language. It is available in 8 Indian scripts like Bengali, Dēvanāgarī, Gujarati, Gurmukhī, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Diacritical (ISO 15919) script & Phonetic English.
I hope this will definitely serve the demands of the Ayurvedic scholars, Researchers, students and practitioners.
I appreciate Dr. Bhuvnesh Kumar Sharma, Research Officer (Ay.), Dr. Vinod Kumar Lavaniya, Research Officer (Ay.), Mr. V. Rangammanar, SRF (IT), Dr. K. Bharathi, A.D. (Ay.), Dr. G. Tirumala Rao, SRF-Ph.D. (Ay.), Dr. K. Kalyani, SRF (Ay.) and Dr. B. Anupama, SRF-Ph.D. (Ay.) without whose herculean efforts, the preparation of this e-book, would have remained an unending task.
I also thankfully acknowledge Dr. P.K.J.P. Subhaktha, Assistant Director (Ay), Mr. K. Durgaram, Mr. K.P. Reddy, Mr. Ashish Bajpai, Mr. M.V. Rajesh, Mr. S. Raju, Mr. B. Balraj Yadav, Mrs. B. Jyotirmayi and other technical & administrative staff for their co-operation.